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New Testament Survey – The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory
New Testament Survey – The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory

This is a 10 part video series based on the course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This course is survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. This is provided by Global University.

Kingdom Power Glory – French – Course
Kingdom Power Glory – French – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

French FrenchOther
Kingdom Power Glory – English – Course
Kingdom Power Glory – English – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

English EnglishOther
Kingdom Power Glory – Russian – Course
Kingdom Power Glory – Russian – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Russian RussianOther
Kingdom Power Glory – Chinese Simplified – Course
Kingdom Power Glory – Chinese Simplified – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Chinese ChineseOther
Kingdom Power Glory – Spanish – Course
Kingdom Power Glory – Spanish – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Spanish (español) Spanish (español)Other

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