
Вперед с Иисусом

Как ты принимаешь решение, когда стоит помочь близкому человеку, а когда нужно отступить в сторону? Если я хочу двигаться вперед с Христом, означает ли это, что я должен отказаться от своей семьи? Как узнать, мешает ли моя помощь Богу осуществить то, что Он задумал, в жизни близких мне людей?


10P КАК ОСНОВАТЬ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНУЮ ПРОГРАММУ ИЗНХ – Рабочая тетрадь (10 How to Set up the PSNC Educational Program – Notesheet. This is the 10th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. This workshop explains the procedures involved in setting up the PSNC educational program at your place of ministry. It explains what special classroom equipment is needed we also discuss how to set up the daily schedule for the PSNC. It also explains what is needed to get your teachers trained to teach the PSNC.). PDF, 339 KB, Последняя версия: 02-2023


10P КАК ОСНОВАТЬ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНУЮ ПРОГРАММУ ИЗНХ – Ответы (10 How to Set up the PSNC Educational Program – Notesheet with Answers This is the 10th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. This workshop explains the procedures involved in setting up the PSNC educational program at your place of ministry. It explains what special classroom equipment is needed we also discuss how to set up the daily schedule for the PSNC. It also explains what is needed to get your teachers trained to teach the PSNC.). PDF, 338 KB, Последняя версия: 02-2023


10P КАК ОСНОВАТЬ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНУЮ ПРОГРАММУ ИЗНХ – PowerPoint (10 How to Set up the PSNC Educational Program – PowerPoint This is the 10th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. This workshop explains the procedures involved in setting up the PSNC educational program at your place of ministry. It explains what special classroom equipment is needed we also discuss how to set up the daily schedule for the PSNC. It also explains what is needed to get your teachers trained to teach the PSNC.). PPT, 3509 KB, Последняя версия: 02-2023

7 Бланк для записи ежедневных целей – ведомость – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

Бланк для записи ежедневных целей & Ежедневная ведомость для преподавателей – Рабочая тетрадь (Daily Goal Sheet – Daily Checklist for Teachers – Notesheet. This is the 7th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. The whole area of goal setting is often very difficult for the students. They’ve had little or no experience in planning how they will spend their time in class. This workshop explains how to use the Daily Goal Sheet for the students and the Daily Checklist for the Teachers in the PSNC classes.). PDF, 900 KB, Последняя версия: 04-2017

7 Бланк для записи ежедневных целей – ведомость – Ответы – Answers

Бланк для записи ежедневных целей & Ежедневная ведомость для преподавателей – Ответы (Daily Goal Sheet – Daily Checklist for Teachers – Notesheet with Answers This is the 7th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. The whole area of goal setting is often very difficult for the students. They’ve had little or no experience in planning how they will spend their time in class. This workshop explains how to use the Daily Goal Sheet for the students and the Daily Checklist for the Teachers in the PSNC classes.). PDF, 908 KB, Последняя версия: 04-2017

7 Бланк для записи ежедневных целей – ведомость – RU-EN PowerPoint

Бланк для записи ежедневных целей & Ежедневная ведомость для преподавателей – PowerPoint (Daily Goal Sheet – Daily Checklist for Teachers – PowerPoint This is the 7th workshop in the PSNC Teacher Certification training. The whole area of goal setting is often very difficult for the students. They’ve had little or no experience in planning how they will spend their time in class. This workshop explains how to use the Daily Goal Sheet for the students and the Daily Checklist for the Teachers in the PSNC classes.). PPT, 2970 KB, Последняя версия: 02-2023

бланков ГЗНЖ – Additional documents

ГЗНЖ Сертификат об окончании – Издание 6-ое. PDF, 297 KB, (GSNL Certificate of Achievement Russian, 6th Edition Awarded to those who complete all 14 courses) Последняя версия: 12-2022
ГЗНЖ Записи о посещаемости студентов – Издание 6-ое. PDF, 234 KB, (GSNL Class Attendance Record Russian, 6th Edition) Последняя версия: 11-2015
ГЗНЖ Записи о контрольных работах студента – Издание 6-ое. PDF, 209 KB, (GSNL Student Test Record Russian, 6th Edition) Последняя версия: 12-2022
ГЗНЖ Инструкции по подготовке к заключительному экзамену – Final Exam Study
ГЗНЖ Инструкции по подготовке к заключительному экзамену – Издание 6-ое. PDF, 229 KB, (GSNL Final Exam Study Instructions, Russian 6th Edition) Последняя версия: 12-2022

Введение для преподавателей к материалу курса ГЗНЖ – Руководство для преподавателя – Teacher Manual

Введение для преподавателей к материалу курса ГЗНЖ – Руководство для преподавателя – Издание 6-ое. PDF, 1017 KB, (Introducing Teachers to the GSNL: Teacher Manual Russian, 6th Edition)

Данная книга содержит идеи, как преподавать Групповые занятия – Новая жизнь (ГЗНЖ). Также в ней имеются 2 различных заключительных экзаменационных работы по материалам всех 14 курсов ГЗНЖ. Ответы к этим работам прилагаются. В данной книге имеются также бланки, которые можно использовать для отслеживания прогресса студентов в учебном процессе. Прилагается бланк сертификата, который можно выдать студенту в случае успешного выполнения требований по материалам всех 14 курсов ГЗНЖ.
Последняя версия: 12-2022

ИЗНХ – Русский

Это полный комплект учебной программы по личному изучению, готовой к загрузке. 06-2021

Введение в «Наставничество в Тин Челлендже» – Страница участника с ответами – Answers

Введение в «Наставничество в Тин Челлендже» – Страница участника с ответами (Introduction to Counseling in Teen Challenge – Notesheet with Answers). This course provides a basic introduction to how counseling is used in the Teen Challenge ministry. This workshop is not just for full-time counselors. This is a basic course for all staff. PDF, 165 KB, Последняя версия: 05-2019

Введение в «Наставничество в Тин Челлендже» – Записи участников – Notesheet

Введение в «Наставничество в Тин Челлендже» – Записи участников (Introduction to Counseling in Teen Challenge – Notesheet). This course provides a basic introduction to how counseling is used in the Teen Challenge ministry. This workshop is not just for full-time counselors. This is a basic course for all staff. PDF, 111 KB, Последняя версия: 05-2019

Преодоление депрессии

Если вы хотите помочь близкому вам человеку – Преодоление депрессии. Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. (Overcoming Depression) Автор Дэвид Бетти Последняя версия 03-2016

Трудности обновления разума

Трудности обновления разума. Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. (The Challenge of Renewing Your Mind) This article focuses on the challenge of renewing your mind. It explores what is your responsibility and what you can expect from God to help you in this process. PDF file, 8 pages, file size 962 kb. Last revised March 2016

Восстановление доверия

Что нужно, чтобы восстановить разрушенные доверительные отношения? Как угадать наилучшее время для восстановления разрушенных отношений? Тебе легко довериться Богу? Чем доверие Богу отличается от доверия человеку? At the end there is a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion. File type: PDF, 6 pages, File size: 204 KB, Последняя версия: 05-2018

Как увидеть Божий потенциал в своей жизни

Какой потенциал Бог видит в твоей жизни? Что может похитить Божий потенциал для твоей жизни? Какая существует гарантия, что Божий потенциал может быть реализован в твоей жизни? File type: PDF, 5 pages, File size: 546 KB, Последняя версия: 02-2017

Хороший ли ты ученик в Божьей школе жизни?

Хороший ли ты ученик в Божьей школе жизни? Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. How good a student are you in God’s School of Life Training? What is your typical emotional reaction when faced with a problem? How difficult is it for you to bring God into your thoughts when facing a new problem? What are the lessons God wants to teach you through the problems in your life? File type: PDF, 7 pages, File Size: 676 KB, Last Revised: March 2016

Как выстроить положительные, безопасные отношения, в которых есть границы

Как выстроить положительные, безопасные отношения, в которых есть границы. (Building positive, safe relationships with boundaries) Что такое границы? Какие границы нужны вам в вашей жизни? Как вы относитесь к границам? Что вы можете сделать, если близкий вам человек зависим? File type: PDF, 7 pages, File size: 458 KB, Последняя версия: 08-2017

Пытаешься ли ты измениться, при этом ничего не меняя?

Пытаешься ли ты измениться, при этом ничего не меняя? В чем состоит процесс, который использует Бог, чтобы произвести изменения в наших жизнях? 2-е издание (Are you trying to change without changing?) File type: PDF, 5 pages, File size: 272 KB, Последняя версия: 03-2017

Власть секретов в твоей жизни

Власть секретов в твоей жизни. В чем заключается разрушительная сила тайных грехов в твоей жизни? Как найти выход из тайных грехов в своей жизни? Кому следует знать о тайных грехах твоего прошлого? (The power of secrets in your life) File type: PDF, 5 pages, File size: 269 KB, Последняя версия: 03-2017

Как справиться с чувством стыда

Как справиться с чувством стыда: Как понять, от Бога ли оно? Что становится причиной того, что люди не могут разобраться, как Бог желает, чтобы они реагировали на чувство стыда? Когда чувство стыда является ложным? Что является «пусковым механизмом» для вашего чувства стыда? Как снова не угодить в ловушку чувства стыда? Преодоление страха. Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. Автор Дэвид Бетти. 2-е издание File type: PDF, 5 pages, File size: 363 KB, Последняя версия: 11-2016

Преодоление страха

Когда проблемы со всех сторон, как одержать победу в битве со страхом? Преодоление страха. Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. Автор Дэвид Бетти. 2-е издание File type: PDF, 7 pages, File size: 793 KB, Последняя версия: 11-2016

Живешь ли ты с неоправданным чувством вины?

Почему так много христиан живут с чувством вины? Как разобраться, испытываешь ли ты чувство вины от Бога, от дьявола, или оно выдумано тобой самим? Каковы условия Бога для жизни без вины? 2-е издание Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. Последняя версия: 10-2016

Взгляд в лицо своим проблемам

Путь к истинной радости – Взгляд в лицо своим проблемам (Facing your problems) Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. Автор Дэвид Бетти Последняя версия: 03-2016

Если я им не помогу, меня не будут любить

Many live with the fear that if they fail to help their family member with a problem, they will be responsible for their loved one never getting better. In this article, we explore the misconception healthy people have about love. We address the relationship between the right kind of help and how love fits into the situation. A study guide for personal reflection or group discussion is at the end of this article. File: pdf, 5 pages, File size: 197 KB, Последняя версия: 12-2018


ЧТО ВАС ПРОВОЦИРУЕТ? Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. What are those things that trigger a response in your life? Do you let these triggers pull you down a destructive path?


КАК МОЖНО ПОМОЧЬ ТЕМ КОГО МЫ ЛЮБИМ ЕСЛИ ОНИ НЕ ЖЕЛАЮТ ПОМОЩИ. Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. What can you do for your loved one when they don’t want help? 02-2019

Приподнять дно – Raise the Bottom

Вы наверняка слышали: «Они должны упасть на самое дно, чтобы обратиться за помощью». Так почему бы не Приподнять дно! Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. Автор Дэвид Бетти 2-е издание (Raise the Bottom–RU) Последняя версия 03-2016

Вседозволенность – Enabling

Вседозволенность: Может, вы предлагаете не тот вид помощи вашим близким? Рабочую тетрадь в конце материала можно использовать для самостоятельной работы или обсуждения в группе. 2-е издание File type: PDF, 7 pages, File size: 463 KB, Последняя версия: 05-2018

иллюзий, отрицания и обмана

Как вырваться из ловушки иллюзий, отрицания и обмана. Overcoming the trap of delusion, denial, deception. How easy is it for you to spot false beliefs in your own life? In the lives of others? How can you help your loved ones face the delusion in their lives? What are the steps you can take to overcome delusion and false beliefs in your life? The study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion. File type: PDF, 7 pages, File size: 206 KB, Последняя версия: 12-2018

Introducing the Group Studies for New Christians – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is foundational to anyone teaching the Group Studies for New Christians curriculum. It gives a basic understanding of how the curriculum is structured and how it fits into the overall discipleship training of the Teen Challenge program. It is also useful to all staff members of Teen Challenge as an overview of the program. Последняя версия: 11-2016

Introducing the Group Studies for New Christians – Teacher Notes

This course is foundational to anyone teaching the Group Studies for New Christians curriculum. It gives a basic understanding of how the curriculum is structured and how it fits into the overall discipleship training of the Teen Challenge program. It is also useful to all staff members of Teen Challenge as an overview of the program. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Групповые занятия для новообращенных христиан Intro GSNC – PowerPoint

This course is foundational to anyone teaching the Group Studies for New Christians curriculum. It gives a basic understanding of how the curriculum is structured and how it fits into the overall discipleship training of the Teen Challenge program. It is also useful to all staff members of Teen Challenge as an overview of the program. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Групповые занятия для новообращенных христиан – видео – video

his course is foundational to anyone teaching the Group Studies for New Christians curriculum. It gives a basic understanding of how the curriculum is structured and how it fits into the overall discipleship training of the Teen Challenge program. It is also useful to all staff members of Teen Challenge as an overview of the program. Последняя версия: 11-2016

EQUIP – God’s Call to Lead – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

Понимание шагов к срыву — Конспекты преподавателя

Издание 2.3: Это конспекты, в которых мы собрали идеи и советы, как преподавать материал курса. Это не окончательная версия конспектов преподавателя по данному курсу, однако, в них содержится ряд полезных подсказок по основным вопросам, раскрытым в рамках курса. Для получения дополнительной информации по преподаванию данного материала вы можете связаться с его автором – Дейвом Бетти. Тип файла: Microsoft Word, размер файла: 378 KB, последняя редакция: 08-2015.

Понимание шагов к срыву – Руководство для преподавателя

Издание 2.3.3: В рамках данного курса мы изучаем вопросы срыва, зависимости, восстановления и здорового образа жизни (6 глав). Речь идет о 37 признаках срыва, а также о способах предотвращения срыва. Мы раскрываем характеристики, которые приводят к зависимости и проблемам, контролирующим жизнь. Далее мы говорим о восстановлении и здоровом образе жизни, и о том, что это такое. Тип файла: PDF, размер файла: 936 KB, последняя редакция: 10-2023.

Понимание шагов к срыву – Пособие для студентов

Издание 2.3.3: В рамках данного курса мы изучаем вопросы срыва, зависимости, восстановления и здорового образа жизни (6 глав). Речь идет о 37 признаках срыва, а также о способах предотвращения срыва. Мы раскрываем характеристики, которые приводят к зависимости и проблемам, контролирующим жизнь. Далее мы говорим о восстановлении и здоровом образе жизни, и о том, что это такое. Тип файла: PDF, размер файла: 919 KB, последняя редакция: 10-2023.

Методика оценки срыва

Данная методика будет полезна человеку, недавно пережившему срыв. С ее помощью можно установить сферы, из-за которых произошел срыв. Данные сферы могут стать отправной точкой для дальнейшего духовного возрастания и предотвращения срывов в будущем. Тип файла: PDF размер файла: 333 KB последняя редакция: 06-2015

Понимание шагов к срыву – PowerPoint

Издание 2.3.3: В рамках данного курса мы изучаем вопросы срыва, зависимости, восстановления и здорового образа жизни (6 глав). Речь идет о 37 признаках срыва, а также о способах предотвращения срыва. Мы раскрываем характеристики, которые приводят к зависимости и проблемам, контролирующим жизнь. Далее мы говорим о восстановлении и здоровом образе жизни, и о том, что это такое. Тип файла: PPT, размер файла: 3.1 MB, последняя редакция: 10-2023.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг?–TC version – Notesheet

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг?–TC version – Notesheet

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг? – TC Version – PPT

Teen Challenge Version–PPT–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг? – TC Version – PPT

Teen Challenge Version–PPT–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг?–TC version – Teacher notes

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг?–TC version – Teacher notes

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Wisest Investment You’ll Ever Make – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Strategic Planning – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Cultivating People Skills – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Priorities and Decision Making – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

Создание консультативного совета – PPT

This course gives a basic introduction to the key parts of developing an Advisory Board which can assist your ministry in carrying out its mission. One of the primary purposes of an Advisory Board is to help raise the needed funds for your ministry. File Type: PPT, File size: 138 KB, Date last revised: Nov. 28, 2011

Создание консультативного совета – Notesheet

This course gives a basic introduction to the key parts of developing an Advisory Board which can assist your ministry in carrying out its mission. One of the primary purposes of an Advisory Board is to help raise the needed funds for your ministry. File Type: PDF, File size: 250 KB, Date last revised: Nov. 28, 2011

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг?–TC version – Teacher notes

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг? – TC Version – PPT

Teen Challenge Version–PPT– Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Время лидера: тик-так – друг или враг? –TC version – Notesheet

Teen Challenge Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

Введение в «ДНК служения Тин Челлендж» — Страница участника с ответами Answers

This course provides a basic introduction the 7 life strands in the DNA of Teen Challenge. We explore what really is the key to the life of Teen Challenge, and what enables us to bring life to those who come to TC seeking for help. The 7 issues discussed are: (1) Prayer, (2) Evangelism, (3) Dependence on the Holy Spirit, (4) Discipleship–Jesus is the program, (5)Leadership, (6)Culture of Personal Responsibility, and (7) Faith. We explore ways that we can increase our effectiveness in living out each of these in our current ministry.

Введение в «ДНК служения Тин Челлендж» – notesheet

This course provides a basic introduction the 7 life strands in the DNA of Teen Challenge. We explore what really is the key to the life of Teen Challenge, and what enables us to bring life to those who come to TC seeking for help. The 7 issues discussed are: (1) Prayer, (2) Evangelism, (3) Dependence on the Holy Spirit, (4) Discipleship–Jesus is the program, (5)Leadership, (6)Culture of Personal Responsibility, and (7) Faith. We explore ways that we can increase our effectiveness in living out each of these in our current ministry.

Введение в «ДНК служения Тин Челлендж» – PPT

PowerPoint–This course provides a basic introduction the 7 life strands in the DNA of Teen Challenge. We explore what really is the key to the life of Teen Challenge, and what enables us to bring life to those who come to TC seeking for help. The 7 issues discussed are: (1) Prayer, (2) Evangelism, (3) Dependence on the Holy Spirit, (4) Discipleship–Jesus is the program, (5)Leadership, (6)Culture of Personal Responsibility, and (7) Faith. We explore ways that we can increase our effectiveness in living out each of these in our current ministry.

Введение в Развитие лидерства в программе – PPT

What are the primary characteristics that are needed in leaders at Teen Challenge? We explore what are the priorities of leaders in Teen Challenge. An introduction is given on the major responsibilities of Teen Challenge leaders, including the importance of raising up new leaders. We also look at the role of the leader in fundraising for your ministry.

ВВЕДЕНИЕ В ТЕМУ Как обновить свой разум – Notesheet

One of the most important steps a new believer in Jesus can do is to being to renew their mind. This course explores the critical importance of each Christian renewing their mind. Four strategies for renewing your mind are introduced. An in-depth course on this subject is currently being written by Dave Batty and Tim Batty, and will be released in the months ahead.

Главное должно быть главным

This presentation, based on the bestselling book by Stephen R. Covey, addresses the issue of time management from the perspective of effectiveness rather than efficiency. It demonstrates how to find our personal compass and fine tune it to what is most important in our lives. It then gives tools on how to stay on track keeping first things first.

Исцеление разбитого сердца

What are the steps to mending a broken heart? What kind of damage can a broken heart do in your life? Where will you let your pain take you? How strong is the urge in your life to get revenge? What place does forgiveness have in mending a broken heart? A study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion. uploaded 8/2012

EQUIP – The Ultimate Purpose of leadership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The leader as a Coach – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The leader as a Coach – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leadership and Relationships – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Leadership and Relationships – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

Время вождя-EQUIP version – Notesheet & Answer Key

EQUIP Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

Время вождя-EQUIP version – Notesheet & Answer Key

EQUIP Version–Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Leadership and Credibility – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Today Matters – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Today Matters – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Your Decision Determines Your Destiny – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Your Decision Determines Your Destiny – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Power of Partnership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Сила партнерства – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Principles for Getting the Job Done – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Principles for Getting the Job Done – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leading Different Personalities – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leading Different Personalities – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leadership Is Stewardship – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leadership Is Stewardship – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Foundation for Our Leadership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Foundation for Our Leadership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Characteristics of a Giant Killer – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Characteristics of a Giant Killer – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – How to Grow a Leader – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – I Like Your Style – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – I Like Your Style – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – How Leaders Pray – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – How Leaders Pray – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The life You Were Meant to live – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The life You Were Meant to live – Notesheet & Answer Sheet

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Art of the Basin and the Towel – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Art of the Basin and the Towel – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Principles of Leadership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Principles of Leadership – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leading When Times are Tough – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leading When Times are Tough – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Christ the Great Communicator – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Christ the Great Communicator – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Leader’s Inner Circle – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Leader’s Inner Circle – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Leadership Begins with Attitude – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Leadership Begins with Attitude – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Measuring Your Leadership Growth – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Measuring Your Leadership Growth – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Wisest Investment You’ll Ever Make – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Wisest Investment You’ll Ever Make – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Delegating Tasks and Developing People – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Delegating Tasks and Developing People – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Security or Sabotage – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – Security or Sabotage – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Leadership Test – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Leadership Test – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – Security or Sabotage – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Leadership Test – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Leadership Test – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

When will your miracle come? Article .pdf

What miracles do you need in your life? Have you asked God for a miracle? Are you afraid to leave your comfort zone and take the risk for stepping out in faith? What if there is no miracle in this situation? A study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion. This article has been translated into Russian.

Helping Students with Personal Application Goals – Notesheet

This course will provide tips and helps on assisting teachers and students with Personal Application Goals. This will be valuable to PSNC and GSNC teachers and anyone involved in Discipleship training. 2009

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

Helping Students with Personal Application Goals – Notesheet

This course will provide tips and helps on assisting teachers and students with Personal Application Goals. This will be valuable to PSNC and GSNC teachers and anyone involved in Discipleship training. 2009

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

Ключ к успеху программы Тин Челлендж: Часть 1 Рабочая тетрадь – Pt 1 Notesheet

This is part 1 of a 2 part course. This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in:English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

Ключ к успеху программы Тин Челлендж: Часть 1 – Руководство для преподавателя – Pt 1 Teaching Notes

This is part 1 of a 2 part course. This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in:English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge Part 1 – Teaching Notes

This is part 1 of a 2 part course. This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in:English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Teachers Notes

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Teachers Notes

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians? – Teachers Notes

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

Как обучать новообращенных христиан? How Can I Train- PowerPoint

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

Как обучать новообращенных христиан? How Can I Train- PowerPoint

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

Как обучать новообращенных христиан? How Can I Train- PowerPoint

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

Основы составления конспектов Рабочая тетрадь

This course is the fourth session for Group Studies teacher training. The topics covered in this session are basic not only to the GSNC classes but to all teachers as they prepare lessons for discipleship training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Основы составления конспектов – ответы к записям

This course is the fourth session for Group Studies teacher training. The topics covered in this session are basic not only to the GSNC classes but to all teachers as they prepare lessons for discipleship training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Основы составления конспектов – PowerPoint

This course is the fourth session for Group Studies teacher training. The topics covered in this session are basic not only to the GSNC classes but to all teachers as they prepare lessons for discipleship training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

asic Intro to TC Res. Prog. Part 3: Re-entry – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Prog. Part 3: Re-entry – Teachers Notes

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Prog. Part 3: Re-entry – PowerPoint

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 2: Training – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the second of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the training phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 5-12 in the residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 2 Training – Teachers Notes

This course is the second of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the training phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 5-12 in the residential program.
Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 2 Training – PowerPoint

This course is the second of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the training phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 5-12 in the residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 1: Induction – Рабочая тетрадь – Notesheet

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 1: Induction – Teacher Notes

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. Updated 10-2022

Basic Intro to TC Res. Program: Part 1: Induction -PowerPoint

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program. updated 10-2022

Basic Introduction to TC Ministry – PowerPoint

This course is the introductory session to Teen Challenge ministry, designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. It gives a broad overview of the key parts of the Teen Challenge ministry. File Type: Powerpoint

EQUIP – I Have a Dream! – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – I Have a Dream! – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – The Heart of a Leader – Notesheet & Answer Key

Эти загрузки содержат Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы курса. В настоящее время большинство из этих курсов имеют только по одному набору для записей, которые разработаны для каждого студента, проходящего этот материал. Преподавая этот курс, вам понадобится разработать собственные записи для учителя. Вы сможете это сделать, используя Листы для заметок и Ключевые ответы, после чего вы можете добавить собственные примеры (иллюстрации) и принципы, которые вы можете использовать в вашей собственной ситуации.

EQUIP – The Heart of a Leader – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – God’s Call to Lead – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

EQUIP – God’s Call to Lead – Notesheet & Answer Key

??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????. ? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????, ??????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ????????. ?????????? ???? ????, ??? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????. ?? ??????? ??? ???????, ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ???????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? (???????????) ? ????????, ??????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ??????????? ????????.

Intro. to Coffeehouse Ministry – Teachers Manual

Since 1957, coffeehouse evangelism has proven to be a very useful ministry tool in reaching people for Christ. In this period of time, much has been learned to correct the many discouraging failures and enhance the overall effectiveness of coffeehouse work. At this point in time, God is still blessing and choosing to use coffeehouses as valuable means of evangelism, but a more sensitive, mature, and Spirit-directed approach is being required. This lesson seeks to lay down some fundamental principles that will help in establishing a healthy, powerful, and effective coffeehouse ministry.

Intro. to Residential Rehabilitation – Teacher Notes/Student Man

This course gives a basic overview of the Teen Challenge program. It covers the philosophy, goals and structure of the program as well as giving examples of various forms that are used in administering the daily operations in a center. This course is used in most of the Teen Challenge Leadership Training Institutes “LTI’s” around the world.

Intro. to Residential Rehabilitation – Teacher Notes/Student Man

This course gives a basic overview of the Teen Challenge program. It covers the philosophy, goals and structure of the program as well as giving examples of various forms that are used in administering the daily operations in a center. This course is used in most of the Teen Challenge Leadership Training Institutes “LTI’s” around the world.

Four Qualities of Effective Leadership – PowerPoint

This course examines four qualities that every leader needs to develop: character, perspective, courage and favor. Practical steps are given on how to develop each quality in your life. McManus also addresses the question: what happens if I am missing one or more of these leadership qualities?

Integrity Student Notesheet

This basic course by Dr. Jerry Nance examines the principles of integrity. It first looks at the benefits of integrity. Next it speaks of how one can develop integrity. Lastly it explains how ones beliefs, actions and speech can be used in evaluating ones integrity.

Integrity Teachers Notes

This basic course by Dr. Jerry Nance examines the principles of integrity. It first looks at the benefits of integrity. Next it speaks of how one can develop integrity. Lastly it explains how ones beliefs, actions and speech can be used in evaluating ones integrity.

Распространение Благой Вести – Course

Распространение Благой Вести
Данный курс поможет вам…
эффективно представлять Евангелие неверующим людям и приводить их к Христу.
эффективно использовать Библию, как инструмент евангельской деятельности.
оценить действие Святого Духа в проповеди Евангелия.

Spiritual Gifts – Russian – Course

“Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant,” Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:1. Spiritual gifts are very important to the body of Christ. Author Robert Brandt teaches about these spiritual gifts, which are available to the believer to help him or her become a greater blessing to the church and more effective in spreading the gospel.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“Spiritual Gifts” is an 9 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Alive in Christ – Russian – Course

Salvation is the crucial subject of this course by David Duncan, and the definition is broadened to include everything that was purchased at Calvary. Salvation is shown to include not only the forgiveness of the sins of the past and deliverance from the power of sin in the present, but also protection against the depredations that could be brought on by sin in the future. All of the spiritual needs of man are met by the redemption provided by Christ on the cross.

This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“Alive in Christ” is a 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:
This course is available in various languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Your New Life – Russian – Course

The moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you began a new life. He is the giver of life—wonderful, rich and joyful life that never ends. This course written by Louise Jeter Walker helps to explain what this new life is all about.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“Your New Life” is an 10 part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in several languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Kingdom Power Glory – Russian – Course

The New Testament, the new agreement that God made with humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ, is the subject of this course written by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo and Marcia Munger. This survey of the New Testament brings a realization that God speaks authoritatively to the church and the world today, just as He did in the New Testament and throughout the course of history. The information contained in this course will help provide a fuller understanding of New Testament truths and the reliable manner in which they were transmitted to us. A study of this course will enable students to teach others about the Word of God in a greatly enhanced fashion.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory” is an 10 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in multiple languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Шатры, храмы и дворцы

В курсе Рика Ховарда, разбираются ветхозаветные книги. Обзор Ветхого Завета начинается с сотворения, продолжается на потопе, а затем переходит к теме избранного Божьего народа, семени Авраама. Автор рассматривает ветхозаветные писания как повествование о Божьих отношениях с народом, который Он избрал для того, чтобы благословить мир. Разбирается много имен, терминов и событий, которые трудны для понимания, а также вопросы, относящиеся к пониманию ветхозаветного периода.

Your Helpful Friend – Russian – Course

Everyone needs friends and everyone values those special friends who are always there when you need them the most. Each of us has a special friend in the Holy Spirit, and this course by Louise Jeter Walker tells about this very special friend in its l44 pages. Many students have experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit after studying this course.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“Your Helpful Friend” is an 6 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:
This course is available in the several languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on the course title page.

We Believe – Russian – Course

This is a course that deals with the fundamental doctrines of the Bible and touches on the issues that every Christian should know about, from the nature of God and the person of Christ to the character of the Church and the life of the believer. This 170-page study guide by Judy Bartel discusses the sixteen most important truths in the Scriptures and outlines their significance for Christians today. Knowing what the Bible says about such issues as sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and the future is crucial for Christians of every level of maturity.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“We Believe” is a 16 part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:
This course is available in several languages. Choose the language that you would like at the download menu on website.

Prayer and Worship – Russian – Course

This course is a study on prayer and worship with an emphasis on the priority of God’s glory and God’s kingdom over man’s needs and wants. It is based on a study of Matthew 6:5-13, with the central truth being Matthew 6:33, “Instead, be concerned above everything else with the kingdom of God and what he requires of you, and he will provide all these other things.”
The study is designed in such a way as to be a guide for personal devotions and to enhance your effectiveness in sharing God’s Word.
This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
“Prayer and Worship” is an 8 -part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

Церковь – Course

Этот курс не только описывает церковь (откуда она появилась, как началась, что произойдет с ней в будущем), но и показывает, как каждый член тела Христа может быть более полезным, когда применяет то, чему научился. Курс Дональда Смитона на 110 страницах дает верующему лучшее понимание своей роли в церкви, а также показывает, как реализовать свой потенциал в качестве важной части тела Христа. Имеется версия для печати и аудио уроки.

An Introduction to the DNA of Teen Challenge

This course provides a basic introduction the 7 life strands in the DNA of Teen Challenge. We explore what really is the key to the life of Teen Challenge, and what enables us to bring life to those who come to TC seeking for help. The 7 issues discussed are: (1) Prayer, (2) Evangelism, (3) Dependence on the Holy Spirit, (4) Discipleship–Jesus is the program, (5)Leadership, (6)Culture of Personal Responsibility, and (7) Faith. We explore ways that we can increase our effectiveness in living out each of these in our current ministry. This course is available in English, Russian

Introduction to Leadership Development in TC

What are the primary characteristics that are needed in leaders at Teen Challenge? We explore what are the priorities of leaders in Teen Challenge. An introduction is given on the major responsibilities of Teen Challenge leaders, including the importance of raising up new leaders. We also look at the role of the leader in fundraising for your ministry. This course is available in English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.

Introduction on How to Renew Your Mind

One of the most important steps a new believer in Jesus can do is to being to renew their mind. This course explores the critical importance of each Christian renewing their mind. Four strategies for renewing your mind are introduced. An in-depth course on this subject is currently being written by Dave Batty and Tim Batty, and will be released in the months ahead. This course is available in English, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Advisory Board Development

This course gives a basic introduction to the key parts of developing an Advisory Board which can assist your ministry in carrying out its mission. One of the primary purposes of an Advisory Board is to help raise the needed funds for your ministry. This course is available in English and Russian.

Our Core Values – International Version

Time has been taken in this book to define in detail the TC core values as a model for any TC program around the world. Dr. Nance has carefully presented the principles and practical truth surrounding each of the core values in such a way that they can be applied to any TC context. Questions have been included at the end of each chapter for evaluation and reflection. There are also many insightful thoughts from experienced Teen Challenge Directors as to what each value means to them.

This book was written to be a part of the Teen Challenge staff training program (called Emerging Leaders Program) for the Teen Challenge (TC) centers in Florida/Georgia, USA. While preparing this training program for their Directors and staff the TC leadership of Florida/Georgia realized that there was a need to define, in length, the core values of the TC ministry. Out of this process seven core values were defined.

Soon after this book was published, TC staff in other centers in the USA and around the world expressed interest in using this book in their ministries. Consequently this international edition of the book has been prepared.

Leading Different Personalities

A thorough description of the four general personality types and how to .effectively lead different personalities is the thrust of this lesson.

The Ultimate Purpose of Leadership

The ultimate purpose for your personal leadership development is to be more effective in your role of advancing the growth of God’s Kingdom around the world.

Leadership and Credibility

Leadership and Credibility – Making the Tough Call: Your credibility as a leader comes from both your strong character and your competence. This lesson covers the common ingredients in the tough calls a leader has to make and gives ten helps in making a tough call.

Today Matters

Today Matters – Leadership and Personal Growth: Personal growth is vital to your leadership journey. You will become what you are becoming right now. Without a plan for your personal growth, you will be reacting to life instead of living on purpose.

Your Decision Determines Your Destiny

The art of decision-making is examined in this lesson. Our decisions not only affect our own lives, but also the lives of those who follow us. Six phases of decision-making are discussed.

The Power of Partnership

Moving from isolation to cooperation in your ministry. What every leader can learn about partnerships using David and Jonathan, as well as Saul and Samuel, to illustrate biblical principles for effective partnerships.

Principles for Getting the Job Done

Activity doesn’t always equal accomplishment. We must learn to work smarter, not just harder. In this lesson we examine some proven practices for getting things done through the people in your organization.

Leading Different Personalities

Leading Different Personalities: A thorough description of the four general personality types and how to effectively lead different personalities is the thrust of this lesson.

Leadership Is Stewardship

Understanding God’s principles for financial stewardship – a comparison of ownership and stewardship, along with explanations about debt, saving, and giving.

The Foundation for Our Leadership

In our pursuit of results, we often slip into ministry motivated by guilt rather than by grace.
Mary and Martha illustrate this truth. The differences between leadership based on performance versus service are discussed in this lesson.

How to Grow a Leader

How to identify potential leaders, 7 steps to developing leaders, and 7 pictures of leadership from II Timothy 2 are the components of this lesson.

I Like Your Style

Leaders influence people in different ways. Five different leadership styles are discussed, along with a description of their positive and negative qualities.

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts: Steps to identifying and developing your spiritual gifts and the role they play in the body of Christ.

BONUS: Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool: 72 statements for students to assess their spiritual gifts.

How Leaders Pray

Observations on how leaders pray effectively in pivotal moments. The three levels of prayer are described in the military terms, logistical. tactical and strategic.

The life You Were Meant to live

Five biblical foundations for understanding and uncovering your life purpose are proposed.
An exercise for writing a life purpose statement is included

Principles of Leadership/The Five Levels of Leadership

This course examines principles of leadership that are found in the book of Nehemiah and in the New Testament. It examines five levels of leadership and how to advance up these levels. It then studies the principles of empowering leaders. Lastly it contrasts the concepts of developing followers with that of developing leaders.

Note:There are two English versions of the PowerPoint available, one has been adapted for Teen Challenge use by Jerry Nance, the other is the original version of the Equip lesson. Versions in other languages are in their original form as provided from EQUIP.

Leading When Times are Tough

Foundational principles leaders must understand in order to handle difficult people and situations. Handling criticism in a healthy way, steps toward biblical confrontation and five stages Paul used with Philemon regarding conflict management.

Christ the Great Communicator

This lesson discusses how to improve your communication skills by imitating the Master.
Matthew 13 is the basis to relate six lessons about communication.

The Leader’s Inner Circle

The need for leaders to build a healthy network of relationships is the focus. A diagram for personal evaluation is also included. What to look for in a mentor, an accountability partner and a mentee, is covered, using Paul, Barnabas and Timothy as examples.

Measuring Your Leadership Growth

Measuring Your Leadership Growth: Emphasis is on the leader’s character. Seven qualities are defined and the opportunity is given for self-evaluation on each of these qualities.

Delegating Tasks and Developing People

Delegating Tasks and Developing People: Moses is used as an example of moving from addition to multiplication in your leadership. Methods are addressed about how to select and develop others while delegating the work.

Security or Sabotage

Security or Sabotage: How to spot insecurity in your behavior and the keys to emotional security.

The Leadership Test

The Leadership Test: Describes ten tests in life that reveal a leader’s potential and maturity.

I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream: Defines vision, covers steps to fulfill God’s vision, suggests a variety of methods God uses to inspire vision and offers tools to cast vision.

The Heart of a leader

How leaders develop the qualities that set them apart from others. Steps to prepare our hearts and reasons why a heart of integrity is so important for leaders are both addressed.

God’s Call to lead

God’s Call to lead: How God calls us to lead. Being made in God’s image, we were created to lead, to have authority over the whole earth and to use the leadership abilities He gives us.

The Ultimate Purpose of Leadership

The ultimate purpose for your personal leadership development is to be more effective in your role of advancing the growth of God’s Kingdom around the world.

The leader as a Coach

Building an Effective Team: Learn how to enlist and empower the right people for your team. There is a difference between a group and a team. The key is to develop their individual talents into a team that works well together.

Leadership and Relationships

Leadership and Relationships -They Make Me or Break Me: Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is built on relationships. As leaders, we cannot assume we are successful unless we master the art of developing healthy relationships.

Leadership and Credibility

Leadership and Credibility – Making the Tough Call: Your credibility as a leader comes from both your strong character and your competence. This lesson covers the common ingredients in the tough calls a leader has to make and gives ten helps in making a tough call.

Today Matters

Leadership and Personal Growth: Personal growth is vital to your leadership journey. You will become what you are becoming right now. Without a plan for your personal growth, you will be reacting to life instead of living on purpose.

Your Decision Determines Your Destiny

The art of decision-making is examined in this lesson. Our decisions not only affect our own lives, but also the lives of those who follow us. Six phases of decision-making are discussed.

The Power of Partnership

Moving from isolation to cooperation in your ministry. What every leader can learn about partnerships using David and Jonathan, as well as Saul and Samuel, to illustrate biblical principles for effective partnerships.

Principles for Getting the Job Done

Activity doesn’t always equal accomplishment. We must learn to work smarter, not just harder. In this lesson we examine some proven practices for getting things done through the people in your organization.

Leadership Is Stewardship

Understanding God’s principles for financial stewardship – a comparison of ownership and stewardship, along with explanations about debt, saving, and giving.

The Foundation for Our Leadership

In our pursuit of results, we often slip into ministry motivated by guilt rather than by grace.
Mary and Martha illustrate this truth. The differences between leadership based on performance versus service are discussed in this lesson.

How to Grow a Leader

How to identify potential leaders, 7 steps to developing leaders, and 7 pictures of leadership from II Timothy 2 are the components of this lesson.

I Like Your Style

Leaders influence people in different ways. Five different leadership styles are discussed, along with a description of their positive and negative qualities

How Leaders Pray

Observations on how leaders pray effectively in pivotal moments. The three levels of prayer are described in the military terms, logistical. tactical and strategic

The life You Were Meant to live

Five biblical foundations for understanding and uncovering your life purpose are proposed.
An exercise for writing a life purpose statement is included.

Christ the Great Communicator

Christ the Great Communicator: This lesson discusses how to improve your communication skills by imitating the Master.
Matthew 13 is the basis to relate six lessons about communication.

The Leader’s Inner Circle

The need for leaders to build a healthy network of relationships is the focus. A diagram for personal evaluation is also included. What to look for in a mentor, an accountability partner and a mentee, is covered, using Paul, Barnabas and Timothy as examples.

Measuring Your Leadership Growth

Emphasis is on the leader’s character. Seven qualities are defined and the opportunity is given for self-evaluation on each of these qualities.

Delegating Tasks and Developing People

Moses is used as an example of moving from addition to multiplication in your leadership. Methods are addressed about how to select and develop others while delegating the work.

The Leadership Test

The Leadership Test: Describes ten tests in life that reveal a leader’s potential and maturity.

I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream: Defines vision, covers steps to fulfill God’s vision, suggests a variety of methods God uses to inspire vision and offers tools to cast vision.

This course is available in: English, Czech, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese

The Heart of a Leader

The Heart of a leader: How leaders develop the qualities that set them apart from others. Steps to prepare our hearts and reasons why a heart of integrity is so important for leaders are both addressed.

This course is available in: English, Czech, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese

God’s Call for Us to Lead

God’s Call to lead: How God calls us to lead. Being made in God’s image, we were created to lead, to have authority over the whole earth and to use the leadership abilities He gives us.

This course is available in: English, Czech, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Introduction to Counseling in Teen Challenge

This course provides a basic introduction to how counseling is used in the Teen Challenge ministry. This workshop is not just for full-time counselors. This is a basic course for all staff. This course is available in English, Russian

Addiction Basics

This course provides a very basic introduction to addictions. An overview is given of the stages a person goes through in developing an addiction. We explore how Teen Challenge addresses addictions from a Biblical perspective.

Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge

This course provides a basic introduction the key issues that have made Teen Challenge a success for over 50 years. It provides a very basic overview of the key elements of the Christian discipleship method used in Teen Challenge. This is a basic course for all staff and volunteers. This course is also the introductory session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training.

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Intro. to Residential Rehabilitation

This course by Global Teen Challenge gives a basic overview of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. It covers the philosophy, goals and structure of the program as well as giving examples of various forms that are used in administering the daily operations in a center. This course is used in Teen Challenge Leadership Training Institutes “LTI’s” around the world. This course is available in: Dutch, English, French, Russian, Spanish

Basic Intro to TC Residential Program Part 3: Re-entry

This course is the third of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. (The first 2 parts are T510.02 and T510.03) This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the re-entry phase of the TC residential program. This is typically a 6 month period after the student has completed the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. Students in the re-entry phase are typically working at a job outside of Teen Challenge, preparing to transition back into society.

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

Basic Intro to TC Residential Program Part 2: Training

This course is the second of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the training phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 5-12 in the residential program.

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

Strawberries & Blueberries: USA

We raise strawberries and blueberries each year and sell them locally to assist in funding our Teen Challenge program. This project is being used at Teen Challenge in Cape Girardeau, MO USA, at a men’s residential program located on a farm.

2P How Can I Train New Christians?

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians.

1P Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge-

This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities.

Honey Bees: Kyrgyzstan

We produce honey the 60 famillies of bees we have in bee hives. We produce and sell the honey locally.

Dairy Farming: Kyrgyzstan

Cows are milked daily and provide milk for the Teen Challenge program and extra milk is sold to provide funds for food expenses for the program.

TC Core Values Next Steps

This course is designed to be taught after one has already completed the basic courses on the 7 Teen Challenge core values. This session looks at 21 different ways you can take these core values out of the classroom and begin to use them in your daily life and work.

This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

Basic Intro to TC Residential Program Part 1: Induction

This course is the first of a 3 part series introducing the basics of the Teen Challenge residential recovery program. This course is designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. The goal of this course is to give a brief overview of the key elements that make up the induction phase of the TC residential program. This would typically be months 1-4 of the Teen Challenge residential program.

This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

When will your miracle come?

What miracles do you need in your life? Have you asked God for a miracle? Are you afraid to leave your comfort zone and take the risk for stepping out in faith? What if there is no miracle in this situation? A study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion.

Returning to joy

How do you train your brain for the life skill of returning to joy? What does pure joy look like? When should you start to train your brain to return to joy? How do problems in your life provide opportunities to experience God’s pure joy? The study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion.

Mending a broken heart

What are the steps to mending a broken heart? What kind of damage can a broken heart do in your life? Where will you let your pain take you? How strong is the urge in your life to get revenge? What place does forgiveness have in mending a broken heart? A study guide at the end can be used for personal reflection or group discussion.

Basic Introduction to Teen Challenge Ministry

This course is the introductory session to Teen Challenge ministry, designed for new staff and volunteers and for those who are interested in working with Teen Challenge. It gives a broad overview of the key parts of the Teen Challenge ministry.

This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian

What are your Triggers?

What are those things that trigger a response in your life? Do you let these triggers pull you down a destructive path?

TC Core Value 7 Servanthood

Servanthood: Dedicating ourselves to the success of others. This explores the basics of the TC core value Servanthood. What are the characteristics of a good servant? How do students from a background of addiction view servanthood? This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

TC Core Value 6 Faith

Faith: Believing God for the impossible. This explores the basics of the TC core value Faith. What is faith and how can I respond with faith at Teen Challenge? How can I lead TC students into a life of faith? This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian

TC Core Value 3 Community

Community: Working together and supporting one another. This explores the basics of the TC core value community. What is it and what priority does it have in Teen Challenge? How do we work together at Teen Challenge to display true community?
This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

TC Core Value 2 Compassion

Compassion: Embracing hope, love, and reconciliation. This explores the basics of the TC core value Compassion. What is it and who needs it? At Teen Challenge, how do you show compassion? What are its limits?
This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

TC Core Value 1 Integrity

Integrity: Living and working with excellence. This explores the basics of the TC core value Integrity. What is integrity? Why is it so important? How can I develop integrity in my life? How do Teen Challenge students view integrity?
This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

TC Core Values Introduction

This session is a basic introduction to the Teen Challenge core values and answers the questions: What are core values? Why did Teen Challenge establish these? How will these become your core values? This whole series is designed as a first teaching on core values for entry level staff. This course is available in: Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

A Quick Look at the Bible – Student Material Downloads

Student Manuals, Study Guides, and supplemental reading lists are available for download in many languages. Note:The English version of the Group Studies materials are not available for download from the website. Printed copies may be purchased from Those outside of the USA can request electronic versions of the English Group Studies curriculum by contacting Global Teen Challenge at [email protected].

This course is available in: French, Khmer, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Helping Students With Personal Application Goals

This course will provide tips and helps on assisting teachers and students with Personal Application Goals. This will be valuable to PSNC and GSNC teachers and anyone involved in Discipleship training. This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Creative Lesson Planning

Staff training for the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry. Additional resources for this course are available below and are in:English,Portuguese,Spanish,Russian

Introducing the Group Studies for New Christians

This course is foundational to anyone teaching the Group Studies for New Christians curriculum. It gives a basic understanding of how the curriculum is structured and how it fits into the overall discipleship training of the Teen Challenge program. It is also useful to all staff members of Teen Challenge as an overview of the program.

This course is available in: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

How Can I Train New Christians?

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is in English, Russian

Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge-

This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities.

8P Helping Students with Personal Application Goals

This course will provide tips and helps on assisting teachers and students with Personal Application Goals. This will be valuable to PSNC and GSNC teachers and anyone involved in Discipleship training. 2009 This course is available in: English, Spanish, Russian

2P How Can I Train New Christians?

This course is the second session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities. This course addresses the basic issues that need to be considered when teaching new Christians and the unique challenges you will face compared to those who are not new Christians. This course is available in English, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish.

1P Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge

This course provides a basic introduction the key issues that have made Teen Challenge a success for over 50 years. It provides a very basic overview of the key elements of the Christian discipleship method used in Teen Challenge. This is a basic course for all staff and volunteers. This course is also the introductory session to both the Personal Studies for New Christians Teacher Training and the Group Studies for New Christians Teacher Training. This course is available in:English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian

Understanding Addictions

This course gives an understanding of addiction from a Biblical viewpoint. It goes on to discuss the types of addictions a person can be involved in. Lastly it then covers the phases of addiction that people experience.

This course is available in: English, Russian


This basic course by Dr. Jerry Nance examines the principles of integrity. It first looks at the benefits of integrity. Next it speaks of how one can develop integrity. Lastly it explains how ones beliefs, actions and speech can be used in evaluating ones integrity.

This course is available in: English, Russian

How Can I Know I’m a Christian? – Teacher Materials

Teachers Manuals, Teaching ideas, Powerpoints are avilable for download.are available for download in many languages. Note:The English version of the Group Studies materials are not available for download from the website. Printed copies may be purchased from Those outside of the USA can request electronic versions of the English Group Studies curriculum by contacting Global Teen Challenge at [email protected].
This course is available in: Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Tents, Temples, and Palaces OT Survey

The books of the Old Testament are surveyed in this course, written by Rick Howard. This look at the Old Testament begins with creation, continues through the judgment of the Flood, and then picks up the theme of God’s chosen people, the seed of Abraham. The author discusses the writings of the Old Testament as an account of God’s dealing with the people He chose to use to bless the world. Many of the names, terms, and events that are often difficult to understand are addressed, along with questions that are pertinent to understanding the Old Testament period.

Sharing the Good News

You have probably already shared your testimony with others and realized the need to give the message of salvation clearly and simply. You need to have at your fingertips the Scriptures that will aid you in responding to those who seek to know more about Jesus. Authors Robert and Evelyn Bolton will help you use what you already know about salvation and the joy of serving God so that you can better share the pleasure of being a Christian.

This Teen Challenge Training resource is being offered through a partnership with
Sharing the Good News is a 10 part lesson that can be viewed or downloaded from the following web address:

This course is available in: English, French, Russian

Understanding Addictions

This course gives an understanding of addiction from a Biblical viewpoint. It goes on to discuss the types of addictions a person can be involved in. Lastly it then covers the phases of addiction that people experience.

Building A Winning Team

This course discusses the qualities needed for effective staff members. It goes on to give ideas of how to develop, recruit and keep committed staff members.
This course is available in: English, Russian,

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

This course discusses the qualities needed for an effective team. It goes on to give tools for evaluating your team and instructions on how to begin the process of team building.

Understanding the Steps to Relapse

2nd Edition. This course examines the issues of relapse, addiction, recovery and healthy living. It discusses 37 symptoms of relapse and ways to prevent relapse from happening. It presents the characteristics that lead to addiction and life-controlling problems. It then goes on to speak about recovery and healthy living and what healthy living should look like. The videos available are bi-lingual, Spanish and English. Of the 5 video sessions, one is missing #4. We plan to have that available in the next few months. Date 2nd edition last revised: March 2013

Intro. to Coffee House Ministry

Since 1957, coffeehouse evangelism has proven to be a very useful ministry tool in reaching people for Christ. In this period of time, much has been learned to correct the many discouraging failures and enhance the overall effectiveness of coffeehouse work.
At this point in time, God is still blessing and choosing to use coffeehouses as valuable means of evangelism, but a more sensitive, mature, and Spirit-directed approach is being required. This lesson seeks to lay down some fundamental principles that will help in establishing a healthy, powerful, and effective coffeehouse ministry.

This course is available in: English, Russian

Security or Sabotage

This course examines the problems that can occur when a leader has personal insecurity issues. It gives help on how to indentify insecurity and the lies that go with them. The lesson goes on to give Biblical principles on how to overcome these insecurities.

First Things First

This presentation, based on the bestselling book by Stephen R. Covey, addresses the issue of time management from the perspective of effectiveness rather than efficiency. It demonstrates how to find our personal compass and fine tune it to what is most important in our lives. It then gives tools on how to stay on track keeping first things first.

Principles of Leadership/The Five Levels of Leadership

This course examines principles of leadership that are found in the book of Nehemiah and in the New Testament. It examines five levels of leadership and how to advance up these levels. It then studies the principles of empowering leaders. Lastly it contrasts the concepts of developing followers with that of developing leaders.

Note:There are two English versions of the PowerPoint available, one has been adapted for Teen Challenge use by Jerry Nance, the other is the original version of the Equip lesson. Versions in other languages are in their original form as provided from EQUIP.

Four Qualities of Effective Leadership

This course examines four qualities that every leader needs to develop: character, perspective, courage and favor. Practical steps are given on how to develop each quality in your life. McManus also addresses the question: what happens if I am missing one or more of these leadership qualities?

This course is available in: Chinese, Russian